Friday, January 17, 2014

From Cats to Goats

I know having pets is wonderful and a responsibility.  We had this stray cat show up one day and we all embraced it.  This really cute cat is so lovable that let's Liberty pet her and won't run away.  I don't know why or how it came, but she has stayed since the first day it came.  She was given the name, Kitty, of course.  Danielle, Destiny, Noah and even Liberty love to play with her and play with her.  Sometimes they forget she is a real cat and not a stuffed animal.
We keep her outdoors, so she has learned to catch field mice and birds.  The joy of having Kitty around is wonderful and fitting for our surroundings at this point.

The goats are another story.  When Vana and Jubilee were born, on January 2013, Danielle and Destiny took care of them for about a month.  They woud get up early in the morning, or not so early and go feed the goats with alfalfa and provide them with fresh water.  They loved taking care of them.

 Now the goats are bigger and have longer horns but are still workable.  It was a great expirience  to see the be born and grow.  We hope to have a milking goat someday.  These ones are meat goats and would only give milk briefly after they give birth, for about 3 months.

These two have been so far our family's exposure to pets and farm animals.

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